Monday, September 7, 2009


It is my opinion that war is an antirely selfish act, despite any proposed moral reason for it's existance. My arguement circles around two main points, the first is the the widely popular theory of cognitave dissonance. The second is my own theory on the basis for all human actions.

The best way I can summerize my outlook on human motives is that they are all essentialy self serving. This is a relitavely cold sounding arguement but it needs consideration, And i have wrestled with it for years. I havn't the ability to disect this theory here for you, doing so would require a blog post in itself. However, to get you started on the question of selfish motives, consider the philanthropist. He gleefully sacrefices resources in the knowladge that he will be reveered by his peers. For the sake of this blog let us assume that at least most of humanities motives are self serving, and this is more on an emotional level than a physical level.

Consider now the concept of Cognitave Dissonance "CD". According to CD theory, when a mind perceives that a scenario ought to be one way and it is actualy another, aa sense of frustration anger or rage will come upon it depending on the severity of the disonance.

If this is true then whenever a human being feels any sort of dissonance it would behoove them to correct the imbalenc through whatever meens neccecary. When this emotional tension reaches a certain point we resort to war.

The reasons we resort to war can be both good and bad. I'm sure some would like to beleive the we resort to war simply because we want to impos our will on eachother through force. on the other hand some nations call for war only as a cry for help and attention.

whatever the reason for the war, war itsef cannot fully address it's own causes. Those causes are to a large degree war in it self.

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