Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Aggression is genetic

In class we spoke of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection and how aggression and defense is an adaptation developed over the years of the human race. I'd like to take that idea even further to say that aggression is largely influenced by genetics. Behaviorists may say that aggression is a learned behavior, and to an extent it is. C.H. Phoenix, R.W. Goy, A.A. Gerall and W.C. Young found in 1959 that hormones are important in aggressive behavior, but researchers are finding now that sex chromosomes affect how aggressive someone is. Take Hitler for example. He was an art student not exposed to extreme aggression and we all know that the Holocaust was one of the bloodiest events in history, killing millions of people. Although he may have had exposure to aggression at his time as a soldier, however it was not prominent in his early years in life. In the study attached, mice that had their SRY chromosome removed reacted in less time aggressively to another mouse being placed in their home territory. Even the females became more aggressive when the SRY chromosome was removed. This proof of altered behavior supports the theoretical perspective that aggression is somewhat genetic.


1 comment:

  1. is there any proof that Hitler was missing the SRY chromosome?
    also it is possible that he was possibly abused in his childhood. according to this article ( Hitler grew up fearing his father. he was devoted to his mother but she died when he was still young. Abuse and loss of a loved one early in life can also result in aggression later in life. so it may be possible that aggression could have nothing to do with genetics in some or many cases.
