Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Civilization vs Uncivilization

Civilization vs Uncivilization

Most people would expect that should a more sophisticated and civilized society fight a less civilized and sophisticated society, that the more civilized would win. After all, the more civilized one is, the more powerful and advanced their military weapons and techniques will be. However, sophistication and better weapons do not always seem to determine a winner, simply because other aspects, such as fear, can often come into play.
The Mongol invasions are the most significant example of this, as the Mongols managed to conquer the vast majority of Asia with nothing beyond horses and bows. At first this sounds impossible. But the method that they employed to accomplish this is simple; fear.
The appeal to fear works whenever it manages to effectively scare people, and when a solution to the fear is given and can be easily accomplished (Pratkonis&Aronson 211 - 212). The Mongols employed this tactic often by threatening their target with torture, and saying that if they surrendered that there would be no torture. Along with the fear that they used, they also practiced what they preached, thereby ensuring that their target believed them.
While the Mongols were the most effective users of fear tactics, it has been used by other less civilized nations to overcome more powerful states. The Vietkong also used fear tactics, as do modern day terrorists and cults, which allow them to fight the USA with far more effectivity than should be possible, considering the difference in resources. Ultimately then, this fear tactic is difficult to overcome for the simple reason that everyone is susceptible to fear. The best way, then, to counteract fear is with another diametrically opposed fear of greater magnitude; the entire idea of soldiers fearing their general more than they do their enemies.

Pratkanis&Aronson, Emotional Appeals.

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